I have a heat map but top and bottom annotation don't have legend ``` Top_ha = HeatmapAnnotation(Group = anno_simple(top$Group, col =structure(hue_pal()(length(unique(top$Group))), names = unique(top$Group)), border = TRUE, height = unit(5, "mm")), "Total Mutation Burden"=anno_barplot(clin$TMB, height = unit(15, "mm"), width=unit(30, "mm"),gp = gpar(fill = structure(hue_pal()(length(unique(clin$TMB))), names = unique(clin$TMB))))) Bottom_ha = HeatmapAnnotation(Response = anno_simple(clin$Response, border = T, col = structure(c("purple4", "grey"), names = c("Responders", "NonResponders")), height = unit(5, "mm"),show_), "TP53 Status" = anno_simple(clin$TP53_status, border = TRUE, col = structure(c("firebrick", "grey"), names = c("Mutant","Wild type")), height = unit(5, "mm"))) Right_Anno <- HeatmapAnnotation(Signature = anno_text(right$Signature), which = "row") Heatmap(mat, bottom_annotation = Bottom_ha, top_annotation = Top_ha, name = "Exposure", right_annotation = Right_Anno, show_row_dend = FALSE, show_parent_dend_line = FALSE, column_split = c(top$Group), column_title = c("Mutagenic", "DDR Impaired", "C>A/T Dominant"), col = colorRamp2(c( 0, 0.5), c("white", "red")), show_column_names = FALSE) ``` ![Rplot05](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/60115705/89935615-5a3dba80-dc0a-11ea-8230-699aba431544.png) As you are seeing Response, group and total mutation burden don't have any legend and annotation Please can you help me to put legend for annotation? I have tried `annotation_lable` but says `Error: either provide `levels` or provide named `colors`.`