I have installed some ucsc tools on my Mac computer and it worked fine:

### Installation
    conda create --name ucsc-netchainsubset377 --channel bioconda --yes ucsc-netchainsubset=377

### Conda environment activation
    source activate ucsc-netchainsubset377

### Checking the tool's help
    netChainSubset - Create chain file with subset of chains that appear in the net
       netChainSubset in.net in.chain out.chain
       -gapOut=gap.tab - Output gap sizes to file
       -type=XXX - Restrict output to particular type in net file
       -splitOnInsert - Split chain when get an insertion of another chain
       -wholeChains - Write entire chain references by net, don't split
        when a high-level net is encoundered.  This is useful when nets
        have been filtered.
       -skipMissing - skip chains that are not found instead of generating
        an error.  Useful if chains have been filtered.

The same commands on GNU/Linux produced the following error:

    netchainsubset: command not found

even though the tool seems to be installed successfully:

    Downloading and Extracting Packages
    ucsc-netchainsubset- | 310 KB    | ############################################################################ | 100%
    mysql-connector-c-6. | 4.4 MB    | ############################################################################ | 100%
    Preparing transaction: done
    Verifying transaction: done
    Executing transaction: done

The same happened with `ucsc-fatotwobit` and `ucsc-liftup` and I would not be surprised if this behaviour affected the whole suite of ucsc programmes installed through conda.

Anyone can suggest a solution?
