I've done multiple regression modeling in R using the below script. Now I'm wondering how can I make a table for the coefficients of each model of all models from lm, glm, and rf separately. ```r X09cPaC_w20_inter <- read_delim("09cPaC_w20_inter.bed", delim = "\t", escape_double = FALSE, col_names = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE) PaC09c_w20_dat <- X09cPaC_w20_inter[, -c(3, 39: 41)] colnames(PaC09c_w20_dat) <- c("chr","start", "EE88290", "EE88291", "EE88292", "EE88293", "EE88294", "EE88295", "EE88296", "EE88297", "EE88298", "EE88299", "EE88300", "EE88301", "EE88302", "EE88303", "EE88304", "EE88305", "EE88306", "EE88307", "EE88308", "EE88309", "EE88310", "EE88311", "EE88312", "EE88313", "EE88314", "EE88315", "EE88316", "EE88317", "EE88318", "EE88319", "EE88320", "EE88321", "EE88322", "EE88323", "EE88324", "blood_vessel_w20", "adrenal_gland_w20", "bone_element_w20", "brain_w20", "bronchus_w20", "esophagus_w20", "extraembryonic_structure_w20", "eye_w20", "gonad_w20", "heart_w20", "kidney_w20", "large_intestine_w20", "liver_w20", "lung_w20", "lymphatic_vessel_w20", "lymphoblast_w20", "mammary_gland_w20", "mouth_w20", "muscle_organ_w20", "pancreas_w20", "prostate_gland_w20", "skin_w20", "spinal_cord_w20", "stomach_w20", "thyroid_gland_w20", "tongue_w20", "urinary_bladder_w20") PaC09c_w20_dat2 <- sample_n(PaC09c_w20_dat, 100000) for (i in names(PaC09c_w20_dat2)[grep("EE", names(PaC09c_w20_dat2))]){ PaC09c_w20_dat2[, paste0(i, "ln1")] <- log(PaC09c_w20_dat2[ , i] + 1) / max(PaC09c_w20_dat2[ , i]) } PaC09c_w20_dat3 <- PaC09c_w20_dat2[,c(65:99,38:64)] all_variables <- names(PaC09c_w20_dat3) response_variables <- all_variables[c(1:35)] predictors <- all_variables[-c(1:35)] lm_model <- lapply( response_variables, function(x) lm(reformulate(termlabels = predictors, response = x), data = PaC09c_w20_dat3) ) |> setNames(response_variables) glm_model <- lapply( response_variables, function(x) glm(reformulate(termlabels = predictors, response = x), data = PaC09c_w20_dat3) ) |> setNames(response_variables) rf_ranger <- lapply( response_variables, function(x) ranger(reformulate(termlabels = predictors, response = x), data = PaC09c_w20_dat3, importance="impurity") ) |> setNames(response_variables) save.image(file="PaC09c_w20_Reg.RData") ```