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Use this tag for questions related to single-cell RNA-seq.

2 votes

How to calculate the number of cells in different cell clusters with Seurat v3?

The "identities" can be accessed with the Idents() function in Seurat v3. You should change cell.num <- table(shox2crepos_mtmg@ident) to cell.num <- table(Idents(shox2crepos_mtmg))
haci's user avatar
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6 votes

VlnPlot problem

I assume you are referring to VlnPlot() of Seurat. The reason that you are getting such a plot is because your distribution is highly skewed, most of your points are zeros, not surprising for scRNA-se …
haci's user avatar
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0 votes

Bootstrapping cell type identifications (scRNA-seq)

I would use permutation: i) Get the difference that you are interested in, i.e. number/proportion of monocytes in one group vs the other. ii) Get the relevant columns (condition, cell label, ...) from …
haci's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it possible to use spike-ins with droplet technologies?

I believe it is mostly a cost issue as spike-ins are "expensive" to use given the large number of cells that are/can be sequenced via droplet based methods (as compared to plate-based ones). The 10x l …
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4 votes

How to load and split my two individual datasets when integrating datasets in Seurat?

Seurat is expecting individual datasets to be normalized separately prior to data integration. In that respect lists of objects corresponding to different datasets are handy to manipulate each object/ …
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1 vote

Seurat clusters

You can use the argument of the DimPlot() function. accepts column names present in the column of the Seurat objects.
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1 vote

Seurat Violin Plot: Why do dots align in one row?

That is because SCTransform (mostly) outputs discrete values, you can check the @slot of your Seurat object.
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4 votes

Is it important to filter out poor quality cells before performing an integration analysis o...

It is absolutely necessary to remove low quality cells: In the case of CCA (and this applies to other "integration" or "data alignment" methods as well), one would need to use "anchors", basically sam …
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1 vote

Integrating scRNA-seq data using raw data

I believe when you say alignment, you mean aligning reads to a genome (sometimes to transcriptome) and count these to get count matrices. In the aforementioned paper, however, what is meant is "bringi …
haci's user avatar
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3 votes

is it possible to count cell in Violin plot in seurat?

This can be a good starting point: table([email protected]$the_column_that_has_the_labels_of_interest) Basically you will be counting the number of rows (each single cell is a row) in the m …
haci's user avatar
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0 votes

Adding treatment groups via metadata to Seurat object?

You should have fed "1h" to your function call but you fed 1h instead. The latter is looking for an object with that name and as the error shows, there is no such object.
haci's user avatar
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2 votes

scRNA-seq, 10x cellranger pipelines

As was suggested by @benn, you will need to add the TdTomato sequence to the end of your fasta formatted genome file. If your TdTomato sequence is in fasta format already, cat will do the trick. If no …
haci's user avatar
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1 vote

Understanding Single Cell RNAseq Plots

The first two plots are used in order to estimate the number of PCs to be used in later stages, for example clustering (this was split in to two functions in Seurat v3). The number of PCs selected wou …
haci's user avatar
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1 vote

Filtering cells from values in metadata

your_new_object <- subset(your_object, subset = mapping.score > 0.5)
haci's user avatar
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1 vote

What column and row naming requirements exist with Seurat (context: when loading SPLiT-Seq d...

Read10X() works on mtx files, that is not the root of your problem. The problem is that you are pushing non-10x-data to look and work like 10x-data. You can just use CreateSeuratObject() and feed you …
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