2 votes

Why models of stochastic gene expression predict that intrinsic noise should increase as the amount of transcript decrease

Reading Kaufmann and van Oudenaarden (2007), it seems to validate the first alternative (using results from the Central Limit Theorem): Although biochemical fluctuations influence all stages of ...
gc5's user avatar
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How to identify latent variables in single-cell RNA-Seq data

I think to identify latent variables, PCA is probably not going to work. NMF might be worth trying. You might want to check out a method called consensus NMF (cNMF) (https://elifesciences.org/articles/...
Phoenix Mu's user avatar
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Correcting for noise in RT-qPCR gene expression data

You're actually not correct about the functional form of the logit. It's nonlinear, but you've written a linear function. That matters here because once you understand the functional form of logistic ...
eric_kernfeld's user avatar

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