3 votes

How can I detect the Apo B gene mutations in my raw dna data?

I think you mean these. The amino acid numbering has changed, but that happens as we discover more transcript variants. http://useast.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Variation/Mappings?db=core;r=2:21005788-...
swbarnes2's user avatar
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Getting VCF file that contain common SNPs from 6 VCF file using isec

You've used the right tool and gotten the right results. What you need to understand is that VCF contains variant loci as well as the genotypes for >=1 sample(s) at those loci. The intersect ...
Ram RS's user avatar
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How can I detect the Apo B gene mutations in my raw dna data?

If you are interested in ApoB gene variants you can: go to https://www.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Gene/Variation_Gene/Table?db=core;g=ENSG00000084674;r=2:21001429-21044073 sort the table by Clin.Sig. ...
darked89's user avatar
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Why does my HWE QQ plot have extreme deviation and what does it mean?

This much deviation from the expected distribution looks like a modeling issue, i.e. that the statistical model use to represent the null hypothesis is incorrect. I can't see any values that lie along ...
gringer's user avatar
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When it is stated in your consumer genetics testing report that you have x% (lets say 1.3 percent...) Neanderthal DNA, what is actually meant?

How do they obtain these markers for Neanderthal ancestry to begin with? I know the Neanderthal genome has been sequenced from bone fragments Since ancient nuclear DNA is scarce, enough preserved ...
user17474's user avatar
1 vote

Loss of predictive power of polygenic risk score when dataset contains missing variants

In a sample with all 40, determine the accuracy of the PRS. Then in the same sample, remove the 20 you are missing in the other set, and then determine the accuracy with the missing variants. This ...
BigMistake's user avatar

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