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haci's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Macondo
6 votes

VlnPlot problem

6 votes

Converting values to string

6 votes

Is it possible to get such a plot

6 votes

Nextflow - Process has already been used

6 votes

Classical alignment with HISAT2

5 votes

How do I pull singe cell RNA sequencing data from GEO database?

5 votes

How to convert gff to gtf?

4 votes

Moving file based on their names

4 votes

Chaning string in rows

4 votes

Pattern mining from a genomic sequence

4 votes

How to convert mzXML to mzML format (mass spectrometry files)?

4 votes

How I can run this code on my files?

4 votes

Creating a count table using R

4 votes

how to merge more than two sample in Seurat?

4 votes

Create a Grouped Barchart

4 votes

Changing the axis limits of ggplot objects

4 votes

How to load and split my two individual datasets when integrating datasets in Seurat?

4 votes

Error in ruuning a package in R

4 votes

Overlap in Paired-end Reads for Sequencing?

4 votes

Is it important to filter out poor quality cells before performing an integration analysis on single cell RNA sequencing data?

4 votes

Can the header line contain arbitrary text in FASTA format?

4 votes

ensembldb equivalent in python

4 votes

How do you replace multiple sequence names with new names using python?

4 votes

How to join multiple large .tsv (> 20 GB, bed file) files by two identifier?

3 votes

is it possible to count cell in Violin plot in seurat?

3 votes

How to measure mean of a column for every 10000 rows condition on other column?

3 votes

How to copy only certain counts for genes in tsv file to new file in linux

3 votes

How to make a violin plot around quasirandom dots

3 votes

select highly variable genes out of dataframe

3 votes

Violin plots appear as vertical lines

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