I have nearly 10 million SNPs located on 10 chromosomes. I want to divide the genome into non-overlapping windows of 15, 20 and 30 kb. Here is part of my SNP table:
head (sap_ids)
snp_id chr pos
Chr01__15043 1 15043
Chr01__15079 1 15079
Chr01__15139 1 15139
Chr01__15165 1 15165
Chr17__214708424 17 214708424
Chr17__214708451 17 214708451
Chr17__214708484 17 214708484
Chr17__214708508 17 214708508
Chr17__214708574 17 214708574
I have been using this code, but it gives me wrong output because each chromosome starts from position 1
res<- cbind(snp_ids,
data.frame(lapply(setNames(win_size, paste("window",win_size, sep = "_")),
For instance, as I you see in the example below in window 4 I get SNPs from chromosomes 1, 3 and 5:
snp_id chrom poistion window
Chr01__58332 1 58332 4
Chr01__58335 1 58335 4
Chr01__58341 1 58341 4
Chr01__58450 1 58450 4
Chr01__58471 1 58471 4
Chr01__58530 1 58530 4
Chr01__58542 1 58542 4
Chr01__58641 1 58641 4
Chr03__45457 3 45457 4
Chr03__45604 3 45604 4
Chr04__56873 4 56873 4
Chr04__57387 4 57387 4
Chr04__57399 4 57399 4
Chr04__57528 4 57528 4
Chr04__58419 4 58419 4
Chr04__59670 4 59670 4
Chr04__59704 4 59704 4
I guess the solution would be to run the code above by looping through each chromosome I tried something like this:
for (i in 1:10){
res <- cbind(cats,
lapply(setNames(win_size, paste("window", win_size, sep = "_")), function(w)
paste(cats$chr[cats$chr == i], ceiling(cats$pos/w), sep = "_"))
But still not working appropriately (column 4 should be 1_1, for the chr 1)!
Chr01__912 1 912 2_1
Chr01__944 1 944 2_1
Chr01__1107 1 1107 2_1
Chr01__1118 1 1118 2_1
Can anyone help me to figure out how can I modify the code to create these non-overlapping windows properly?
for chr17 and 3 for chr1? Why does that change? Do your positions increase with the chromosome numbers (are all positions on chr2 greater than those on chr1) or do you count each chromosome separately (so each chromosome starts from position 1)? If the latter, it makes sense that your approach fails. $\endgroup$15, 20 and 30 kb
windows. You want the windows to be of various sizes dependent of number of SNPs inside or you want to have one window size that will correspond on average to ~200 SNPs? $\endgroup$