I'm following along with some pre written code to learn how to do differential expression. I am using the same data set and have gone back through the code and copy and pasted what they used and the follow along gets the two headings rather than the single one that I am getting, so I'm a bit confused how I'm getting different results.
I have some data which I have put through DESeq but the output for resultsNames isn't what I expect. The code is
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = exprs(bottomly.eset), colData = pData(bottomly.eset), design = ~ strain)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
but this code produces this output "Intercept" "strain_DBA.2J_vs_C57BL.6J"
whereas the output that I intended was "Intercept" "strain_DBA.2J" "C57BL.6J"
Is there a simple way to change this within the code that I have or is this something related to the dataset I used?
strain tested against? $\endgroup$