Given a list of substance (which can be expressed in any form: general terms or chemical taxonomy) I need to find the specific MeSH term.
I understood that I can use those web services: More specifically, the webservice does a sort of "lookup" and, if found, it returns label, mesh term and URI. However, this web service works only if the input string is part of the mesh term.
Eg: input = arsenit output = {'substance': 'Arsenite', 'MeSH': 'arsenite', 'URI': ''}
Essentially, the web service it works by comparing strings (arsenit is substring of arsenite).
Often the substance I use as input is expressed in a way that the string comparison will fail. Is there any service/library that can overcome this limit?
eg: input = Benz[a]anthracene expected output = Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons