I have a list of gene symbols:
c("cd45", "Tmem119", "CD11b", "P2Yr12", "Csf1r", "Bst2", "Cd74",
"Cx3cr1", "Trem2", "Lyz2", "GLAST", "GFAP", "ALDH1L1", "Aldoc", "Aqp4",
"Glul", "S100a", "Olig1", "Olig2", "Olig3", "Mbp", "Pdgfra", "Pecam",
"Cldn5", "Cldn10", "Epas1", "Crip1")
If I feed it to BioMart
to get ensembl ids
mart <- useDataset("mmusculus_gene_ensembl", useMart("ensembl"))
list <- getBM(filters= "mgi_symbol", attributes= c("ensembl_gene_id",
"mgi_symbol","description"),values=symbols,mart= mart)
the following genes are missed:
"cd45" "cd11b" "p2yr12" "glast" "s100a" "pecam"
All of them are pretty well-known genes, and I can manually find their ensembl ids
by googling it, for instance:
I tried supplying aliases, but it does not change the output. So, from my understanding BioMart
is not working properly either because I am doing something wrong here or because BioMart
itself is not a good tool to use. Is there a better way of getting the mapping that would map all of the gene symbols?