
I need to merge multiple channels each emits multiple file. So far I did something as below:

process prephasing {
publishDir params.out, mode:'copy'
tuple val(prefix), path(bfiles) from plink_data
each chrom from chroms
path hrc_sites_file
tuple val("${chrom}"),path("chr${chrom}*.{bed,bim,fam}") into qc1_chr
PRE_PASHING_QC2.sh "${hrc_sites_file}" "${prefix}" "${chrom}"
channel.fromPath('/some/path/genetic_map_chr*_combined_b37.txt').into {shape_map;i
channel.fromPath('/some/path/*hrc.r1-1.ega.grch*.hap.gz').into {shape_ref;
channel.fromPath('/some/path/*hrc.r1-1.ega.grch37.chr*.legend.gz').into {s
channel.fromPath('/some/path/*hrc.r1-1.ega.grch37.chr*.samples').into {sha
qc1_chr.filter{name, bfiles -> bfiles.collect {it.getBaseName()}.every {it.endsWith("step10")}}.into {shape_in;imp_in}

process phasing {
publishDir params.out, mode:'copy'
each file(penta) from shape_para
path("*step10*") into phased
def (in, map, ref, legend, sample) = penta
shapeit2 -T 32 --input-bed "${in}" --input-map "${map}" --input-ref "${ref}" "${legend}" "${sample}" --duohmm -O "${in}.phased" --seed 54321

The "prephasing" process works fine and produce expected output. But the "phasing" process does not produce any output nor any error. Any help?

I have tried according to @Steve as below:

channel.fromFilePairs('/cluster/projects/p697/projects/moba_qc_imputation/resources/1000Genomes/genetic_map_chr*_combined_b37.txt',size:1).map {group_key, file_list -> tuple(group_key.replaceFirst(/^genetic_map_/,""),file_list.first())}.set {genetic_map}

channel.fromFilePairs('/cluster/projects/p697/projects/moba_qc_imputation/resources/HRC/haplegendsample/*hrc.r1-1.ega.grch37.chr*.haplotypes.{hap.gz,legend.gz,samples}',size:3).map{group_key,file_list -> tuple(group_key.replaceFirst(/^*HRC\.r1-1\.ega\.grch37\./,""),file_list)}.set {ref_panel}

qc1_chr.filter{chrom, bfiles -> bfiles.collect {it.getBaseName()}.every {it.endsWith("step10")}}.join(ref_panel).join(genetic_map).into {shape_in;imp_in}

process phasing {
publishDir params.out, mode:'copy'
tuple val(chrom), path(input_bed), path(intput_ref), path(input_map) from shape_in
tuple val("${chrom}"),path("${chrom}.{phased.haps,phased.sample,log}") into phased
def (bed, bim, fam) = input_bed
def (haplotype, legend, sample) = input_ref
shapeit2 --thread "${task.cpus}" --input-bed "${bed}" "${bim}" "${fam}" --input-map "${input_map}" --input-ref "${haplotype}" "${legend}" "${sample}" --duohmm --output-max "${chrom}.phased" --seed 54321

But getting no output so far, (attached imagephasing process)

I have tried to check individual channel separately using channel.view(), identified the problems, modified the code and checked again. Using the code below I can see individual channel emits 22 lines [chr1-22,[file_list]]. After merging I can see [chr1-22,[joined_file_list].

    .fromFilePairs( "output3/*.{bed,bim,fam}", size:3 )
    .set { plink_data }
plink_data.filter{chrom, bfiles -> bfiles.collect {it.getBaseName()}.every {it.endsWith("step10")}}.map{group_key,file_list -> tuple (group_key.
replaceFirst(/^*\.step10/,""), file_list)}.set {in_pl}

channel.fromFilePairs('/cluster/projects/p697/projects/moba_qc_imputation/resources/1000Genomes/genetic_map_chr*_combined_b37.txt',size:1).map {
group_key, file_list -> tuple(group_key.replaceFirst(/^*genetic_map_/,""),file_list.first())}.set {genetic_map}

p.gz,legend.gz,samples}',size:3).map {group_key,file_list -> tuple(group_key.replaceFirst(/^.*.hrc\.r1-1\.ega\.grch37\./,""),file_list)}.set {re

in_pl.join(ref_panel).join(genetic_map).into {shape_in;imp_in}
process phasing {
//publishDir params.out, mode:'copy'
tuple val(chrom), path(input_bed), path(intput_ref), path(input_map) from shape_in
tuple val("${chrom}"),path("${chrom}.{phased.haps,phased.sample,log}") in
to phased
def (bed, bim, fam) = input_bed
def (haplotype, legend, sample) = input_ref
shapeit --thread "${task.cpus}" --input-bed "${bed}" "${bim}" "${fam}" --input-map "${input_map}" --input-ref "${haplotype}" "${legend}" "${samp
le}" --duohmm --output-max "${chrom}.phased" --seed 54321

joined channel example view But now I get error:

No such variable: chrom

But I decalred "chrom" in the input

The input bed|bim|fam files from channel from FilePairs works but from a output channel of previous process does not. If I run phasing solo and all the inputs from channel from FilePairs it works. But if I run prephasing and phasing together, the prephasing process works but for phasing process not output and no error; Not sure what I am doing wrong.

hrc_sites_file = file(params.hrc_sites_file)

Channel.fromFilePairs( "${params.input_dir}/*.{bed,bim,fam}", size:3 ).set { plink_data }

Channel.of(1..22).set { chroms }

process prephasing {
publishDir params.out, mode:'copy'
tuple val(prefix), path(bfiles) from plink_data
each chrom from chroms
path hrc_sites_file
tuple val("${chrom}"),path("chr${chrom}*.{bed,bim,fam}") into qc1_chr
tuple val("${chrom}"),path("chr${chrom}*log") into qc1_log
tuple val("${chrom}"),path("*-chr${chrom}.step4-HRC.txt") into qc1_hrc
path("chr${chrom}.step1b.snplist.txt") into qc1_snps
path("chr${chrom}.step1a.dupvar") into qc1_dups
PRE_PASHING_QC2.sh "${hrc_sites_file}" "${prefix}" "${chrom}"
channel.fromFilePairs('/cluster/projects/p697/projects/moba_qc_imputation/resources/1000Genomes/genetic_map_chr*_combined_b37.txt',size:1).map {group_key, file_list -> tuple(group_key.replaceFirst(/^*gen
etic_map_/,""),file_list.first())}.set {genetic_map}

channel.fromFilePairs('/cluster/projects/p697/projects/moba_qc_imputation/resources/HRC/haplegendsample/*hrc.r1-1.ega.grch37.chr*.haplotypes.{hap.gz,legend.gz,samples}',size:3).map{group_key,file_list ->
 tuple(group_key.replaceFirst(/^.*.hrc\.r1-1\.ega\.grch37\./,""),file_list)}.set {ref_panel}

qc1_chr.filter{chrom, bfiles -> bfiles.collect {it.getBaseName()}.every {it.endsWith("step10")}}.map{group_key,file_list -> tuple (group_key.replaceFirst(/^*\.step10/,""), file_list)}.join(ref_panel).joi
n(genetic_map).into {shape_in;imp_in}
process phasing {
publishDir params.out, mode:'copy'
tuple val(chrom), path(input_bed), path(input_ref), path(input_map) from shape_in
tuple val("${chrom}"),path("${chrom}.*") into phased
def (bed, bim, fam) = input_bed
def (haplotype, legend, sample) = input_ref
shapeit --thread "${task.cpus}" --input-bed "${bed}" "${bim}" "${fam}" --input-map "${input_map}" --input-ref "${haplotype}" "${legend}" "${sample}" --duohmm --output-max "${chrom}.step10" --seed 54321

prephasing works but phasing does not


1 Answer 1


The merge operator is deprecated and will be removed from future Nextflow releases. You'll need instead the join operator to join by chromosome. You can use the fromFilePairs operator to quickly get the group key, formatting it as required:

    .fromFilePairs("/some/path/HRC.r1-1.EGA.GRCh37.chr*.{hap.gz,legend.gz,samples}", size: 3)
    .map { group_key, file_list ->
        tuple( group_key.replaceFirst(/^HRC\.r1-1\.EGA\.GRCh37\./, ""), file_list )
    .set { ref_panel_files }

    .fromFilePairs("/some/path/genetic_map_chr*_combined_b37.txt", size: 1)
    .map { group_key, file_list ->
        tuple( group_key.replaceFirst(/^genetic_map_/, ""), file_list.first() )
    .set { genetic_map_files }

    .map { chrom, bfiles ->
        tuple( chrom, bfiles.findAll { it.baseName.endsWith("step10") } )
    .join( ref_panel_files )
    .join( genetic_map_files )
    .set { phasing_inputs }

process phasing {

    tuple val(chrom), path(input_bed), path(input_ref), path(input_map) from phasing_inputs

    def (bed, bim, fam) = input_bed
    def (haplotypes, legend, sample) = input_ref

    shapeit2 \\
        --thread "${task.cpus}" \\
        --input-bed "${bed}" "${bim}" "${fam}" \\
        --input-ref "${haplotypes}" "${legend}" "${sample}" \\
        --input-map "${input_map}" \\
        --duohmm \\
        --output-max "${chrom}.phased" \\
        --seed 54321
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks @Steve. Only one thing, the prefixes of hap.gz, legend.gz and samples are not same for each chromosome. That's why in my code there is a * at the beginning and another * at the chromosome label. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 5, 2021 at 16:11
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @zillurrahman: I suspect one of your input channels to join on isn't working as expected. Could you please post the output of qc1_chr.view(), ref_panel.view() and genetic_map.view()? Thanks! $\endgroup$
    – Steve
    Commented Apr 7, 2021 at 10:39
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ My mistake, I think you'll need to replace the filter statement with .map { chrom, bfiles -> tuple( chrom, bfiles.findAll { it.baseName.endsWith("step10") } ) }. No filtering is required, we just need to select out the required step10 files. $\endgroup$
    – Steve
    Commented Apr 7, 2021 at 23:17
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @zillurrahman: I don't think you can since the first looks like a prefix and the last two look like suffixes. I think you'd need two replaceFirst calls. I'd be tempted to just use the first string that looks like a chromosome name: group_key.find(~/chr\d{1,2}/). HTH. $\endgroup$
    – Steve
    Commented Apr 8, 2021 at 10:44
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thanks @Steve I just tested the find option and it works. Thanks a lot! It seems fewer code and easier to write! $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 8, 2021 at 11:20

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