
I have a matrix in R. When I run class(my.matrix) it returns:

"matrix" "array"

Why do I get "array" when in fact I want a plain matrix? The same class output is returned when running as.matrix(my.matrix)).

Why is that?


2 Answers 2


class() on a matrix will always return:

"matrix" "array"

Simple example:

> class(as.matrix(1))
[1] "matrix" "array" 

This is because an array in R is a vector with multiple dimensions, and the matrix is a special type of array with exactly two dimensions, so every matrix is an array and this is what the class command on a matrix is telling us here, see http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Data-structures.html


From the return value of the class function, it looks like this already is a matrix. It just happens that it is considered by R to be both a matrix and an array.


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