The naive per-million scaling methods do not properly correct for the compositional bias between samples. This is especially true if the groups you compare are expected to be very different, e.g. different organs, see here demonstrated on some GTEx data:
Why do people use flawed metrics? Well, because some are very common. Per-million is easy to compute and does not change when new samples are added. The latter is convenient, and sometimes per-million might be good enough for visualization. I never do it though, I always use normalized (or vst) counts from DESeq2 or edgeR.
For differential analysis of bulk data one commonly uses raw counts which are then normalized internally by the established frameworks such as DESeq2, edgeR or limma-voom.
Single-cell data, if you consider each cell a replicate, often can go with simpler stats as the large sample such allows tests such as the T- or Wilcox test. Again, plain per-million scaling is probably bad, and alternative methods do exist, e.g. the deconvulution/sum-factor strategy in the scran
package at Bioconductor. I cannot speak for Seurat, as I do not use it.
For most downstream applications such as visualization and clustering you probably want to use the properly normalized counts on the log2 scale. For something like heatmaps one would scale the data (Z-score) before plotting to show relative differences. I see no application for raw counts beyond feeding them into a DE testing framework that then normalizes them. The only applications that use raw countsbeyond the aforementioned DE testing frameworks that come to my mind are Combat-Seq (batch correction for bulk data) and sctransform (varaince stab/normalization/regression) for single-cell data.