
I have written a Nextflow script with three process:

  • The first process takes a pair of fastq files and aligns with reference genome. The process writes the resulting SAM file into sam channel.
  • Second process takes input from the sam channel and creates a BAM file from it, and writes it into bam channel.
  • Final process reads from bam channel and sorts the BAM files.

Following is the entire code:

#!~/bin nextflow

reads_ch = Channel.fromFilePairs('raw/*_{1,2}.fastq.gz', flat: true)
ref_genome = file('reference/genome/index/ref_genome')

process mapToRef {
    memory '20 GB'
    cpus 16
    tuple val(sample_id), file(read1), file(read2) from reads_ch
    tuple val(sample_id), file("${sample_id}.sam") into sam_ch

    ~/biotools/bwa/bwa mem -t 60 ${ref_genome} ${read1} ${read2} > ${sample_id}.sam

process samToBam {
    memory '20 GB'
    cpus 16
    tuple val(sample_id), file("${sample_id}.sam") from sam_ch

    tuple val(sample_id), file("${sample_id}.bam") into bam_ch

    ~/biotools/SAMTOOLS/samtools-1.12/samtools view -S -b ${sample_id}.sam > ${sample_id}.bam 

process sortBam {
    memory '20 GB'
    cpus 16
    tuple val(sample_id), file("${sample_id}.bam") from bam_ch

    tuple val(sample_id), file("${sample_id}.sorted.bam") into sorted_bam_ch

    ~/biotools/SAMTOOLS/samtools-1.12/samtools sort ${sample_id}.bam -o ${sample_id}.sorted.bam

All three processes successfully execute their commands. However, they are executed sequentially. For example, the first process mapToRef runs sequentially for all read pairs, followed by samToBam, which too, runs sequentially after all mapToRefs have finished execution. I was under impression that parallelization would "work" out of the box, but I must be doing something wrong. I am a complete beginner in Nextflow and would greatly appreciate any help regarding this.


Output of reads_ch.view():

[ERR2512393, /home/work/raw/ERR2512393_1.fastq.gz, /home/work/raw/ERR2512393_2.fastq.gz]
[ERR2512394, /home/work/raw/ERR2512394_1.fastq.gz, /home/work/raw/ERR2512394_2.fastq.gz]
[ERR2512391, /home/work/raw/ERR2512391_1.fastq.gz, /home/work/raw/ERR2512391_2.fastq.gz]
[ERR2512392, /home/work/raw/ERR2512392_1.fastq.gz, /home/work/raw/ERR2512392_2.fastq.gz]
[ERR2512390, /home/work/raw/ERR2512390_1.fastq.gz, /home/work/raw/ERR2512390_2.fastq.gz]

1 Answer 1


I have tested it on my end with the following script:

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

reads_ch = Channel.fromFilePairs('/root/test_nextflow/*_{1,2}.fastq.gz', flat: true)

process mapToRef {
  memory '1 GB'
  echo true
  cpus 1

  tuple val(sample_id), file(r1), file(r2) from reads_ch

  tuple val(sample_id), file("${sample_id}.sam") into sam_ch

  echo bwa mem ${r1} {r2}
  if [ ${sample_id} == "ERR2512393" ]; then sleep 10; fi
  touch ${sample_id}.sam

process samToBam {
  memory '1 GB'
  cpus 1
  echo true

  tuple val(sample_id), file(sam) from sam_ch

  tuple val(sample_id), file("${sample_id}.bam") into bam_ch

  echo samtools view -S -b ${sample_id}.sam
  touch ${sample_id}.bam

process sortBam {
  memory '1 GB'
  cpus 1
  tuple val(sample_id), file(bam) from bam_ch

  tuple val(sample_id), file("${sample_id}.sorted.bam") into sorted_bam_ch

  echo samtools sort ${sample_id}.bam
  touch ${sample_id}.sorted.bam

It's producing the following result:

enter image description here

As you can see, the two processes are running in parallel (2 of 2)

It could be that yours are limited by the resources? If your PC doesn't have 40GB of memory and 32 CPUs, it will run them sequentially.

EDIT: By adding sleep 10 to mapToRef, we can clearly see both of them are running in parallel now:

enter image description here

EDIT 2: Added condition to "sleep" on one of the samples:

enter image description here

Final EDIT: be mindful of the resources you allocate to your processes. You could use ${task.cpus} and ${task.memory.toGiga()} to facilitate the configuration of your processes so that they are not different from what you have defined and what is actually used. See CPUs

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks @Law. My execution screenshot also looks almost exactly the same. Can you replace touch ... on your script with sleep 5 to emulate long running tasks and confirm if the processes are running parallelly? I have well over 20GB memory and 16 CPUs on this machine, so limited resource should not be an issue. $\endgroup$
    – PPrasai
    Commented Sep 4, 2021 at 19:47
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @PPrasai, check again my edit, i was doing it ;) $\endgroup$
    – user324810
    Commented Sep 4, 2021 at 19:49
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Check my second edit. I have added a condition to mapToRef to "sleep" if one of the sample_id match one of the samples. As you can see, both of them runs in parallel first, since one of the samples doesn't match the condition, the other processes are executed afterward. $\endgroup$
    – user324810
    Commented Sep 4, 2021 at 19:58
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thanks @Law! Reducing cpus to 4 on process and mapToRef, and memory to 4 GB make it all work parallelly! Thank you so much. Could you update your answer so that I can approve it $\endgroup$
    – PPrasai
    Commented Sep 4, 2021 at 20:11
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Well, I did say toward the end the following It could be that your are limited by the ressources? If you PC doesn't have 40GB of memory and 32 CPUs, he will run them sequentially. Also, you're welcome. $\endgroup$
    – user324810
    Commented Sep 4, 2021 at 20:12

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