Can anyone explain what is cheminformatics and how does it help in the future?
I need to write an article that should be understandable for 14-20 yr age group. Please help with references, I don't know anything.
Can anyone explain what is cheminformatics and how does it help in the future?
I need to write an article that should be understandable for 14-20 yr age group. Please help with references, I don't know anything.
The definition of cheminformatics has been covered in Difference between bioinformatics and cheminformatics
For a reference, simply citing Essentials of Computational Chemistry by C. Cramer will do it. I do not know if the newer Clayden (nitrile cover) deals with computational methods, but the old one (water+formaldehyde on cover) did not. In generally, a textbook is a very good way to get familiar with a field and Cramer's book is good.