
I saw in the extensive Seurat documentation for Dimplot (dimensional reduction plot), here, you can plot a gene by specifying it with group.by = "gene" but this does not work in practice.

> p <- DimPlot(DG.combined, reduction = "umap", group.by = "Fos")
Error: Cannot find 'Fos' in this Seurat object
> p <- DimPlot(DG.combined, reduction = "umap", group.by = "Inhba")
Error: Cannot find 'Inhba' in this Seurat object

Am I mistaken? Do I need to add a metadata column containing expression of the gene? How can I access individual cells gene expression data in seurat so I can create a metadata label based on binned expression levels? Also how would I tell seurat to use a color gradient to label them?

References https://satijalab.org/seurat/reference/dimplot


2 Answers 2


As @swbarnes2 has suggested, you can plot gene expression over the top of a dimensional reduction using the FeaturePlot function, using the features parameter for gene names:

p <- FeaturePlot(DG.combined, reduction = "umap", features = c("Fos", "Inhba"))

See the 3k tutorial here:



I am not totally sure what you are trying to do, but I think you want FeaturePlot, not DimPlot


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