I am looking for instructions on creating a custom-made kraken2 catalogue from the sequences of my choice and the corresponding phylogenetic tree in newick notation.
I will appreciate an input on whether/how it can be done. The prescription provided in the kraken2 manual seems to assume that sequences and phylogeny originate from the NCBI. Struo2 extends this to GTDB sequences. However, in my case the sequences are collections of concatenated genes (i.e., not full genomes), provided by a third party.
Remark: (in response to comments) I don't need to work with newick format - I have the tree in newick format. So converting it to dmp
might be a part of the answer.
format, the problem is easily resolved - if that's the case, then state this explicitly, specify the tools for converting newick to dmp, and the minimal information that a newick tree should contain for creating a meaningful kraken2 catalogue. The would make for a nice answer, and useful for other users that stumble on the same problem. $\endgroup$