I'm currently pondering on the best approach to handle and standardize variant IDs within our department to mitigate the challenges associated with rsids and the potential ambiguity of just using chromosomal positions.
The GWAS glue (https://mrcieu.github.io/gwasglue2/articles/Strategy.html) packagae, state oa method where a variant ID is crafted by integrating the chromosomal position (chr), effect allele (ea), and non-effect allele (nea). It assumes the format: chr:pos_ea_nea. For alleles that exceed 10 characters, like certain indels, they apply the murmur32 hashing algorithm from the R digest package.
Given our objectives:
We likely prefer not to have excessively lengthy IDs. Yet, using hashed IDs for certain long variants might be perplexing for some who aren't informed about the approach. Hashing every ID could yield consistency, but perhaps might not be as intuitive for regular use. I'm keen on collecting insights:
Thoughts on the described method from Bristol? What might be the maximum length for an indel we could encounter? Is there a broader effort underway to address this concern? Would adopting the Bristol approach set a potential standard, or should we explore or develop alternative methods? For example should the genome build be built into the id? or species? I appreciate the community's feedback as we strive for clarity and efficiency in our variant naming conventions.
For clarity: I want to store data on variants. For example GWAS summary statistics. I want to be able to match variants from differnt studies so I want to have an identifier for the variants. I could use rs numbers I could use chr:pos I could use chr:pos:ref:alt I could use chr:pos:effect:noneffect I could use chr:pos:population:effect:noneffect or studyid:chr:pos:populatoin:effect:noneffect or etc
There are pros and cons for each of these but I would like to here what people on here think these are. I am also intrested in is there work out there to do this already. e.g. to update the idea of rsids to consider multiple alleles and effects in populations?