I'm encountering a discrepancy in the depth of coverage assessment for specific coordinates when comparing results obtained from pileup files and samtools depth.
I've processed pileup files and extracted coverage information for a given coordinate, resulting in a coverage depth of 8028. However, when using samtools depth on the same coordinate, the coverage depth is reported as 88565.
My analysis involves the following steps:
Alignment of paired-end reads using bwa mem. Generation of pileup files and extraction of coverage information. Utilizing samtools depth to calculate coverage depth for the same coordinates. Visual inspection in IGV for validation, where I observe that the number of reads aligning to the region matches the count obtained from samtools depth. I've noticed that in this region, there are no structural variations. The versions of samtools I'm using are samtools 1.19.2.
Could you please help me understand the potential reasons for such big discrepancies? What parameters should I review, and could the differences be attributed to any specific factors?
Thank you for your assistance!