I am currently working on my own Metagenomic pipeline, utilizing Bowtie 2 to map. Bowtie 2 outputs a SAM file, which I convert to a .BAM and sort it using Samtools. When I try to utilize Samtools to index my .BAM file it gives me this error:
[E::hts_idx_push] NO_COOR reads not in a single block at the end 1652 -1.
Here is my code:
source /opt/asn/etc/asn-bash-profiles-special/modules.sh
module load samtools/1.3.1
cd ~/gz_files/soapdenovo
###SAM to BAM and sort
samtools faidx soapdenovo.fa
samtools view -b -T soapdenovo.fa -o sample${r}bowtiemapping.bam sample${r}bowtiemapping.sam
samtools sort -n -T ~/gz_files/soapdenovo/temp -o sample${r}bowtiemapping_sorte$
samtools index sample${r}bowtiemapping_sorted.bam
################LETS MAKE THE ABUNDANCE TABLES###########################$
samtools view -c -f 4 sample${r}bowtiemapping_sorted.bam > sample${r}alignment$
samtools idxstats sample${r}bowtiemapping_sorted.bam > sample${r}idxstats.txt
#git clone https://github.com/metajinomics/mapping_tools.git
#python mapping_tools/get_count_table.py *.idxstats.txt > contig_counts.tsv
##less contig_counts.tsv
Any help would be appreciated!
Notes on pipeline
samtools import
was replaced withsamtools view
corrected- Instructions used are here on github
- Suggestion for future trouble shooting is given here by @winni2k
samtools index
for indexing the bam, as you say. $\endgroup$samtools import
has been deprecated for 8 years. Usesamtools view
instead. $\endgroup$samtools faidx
makes no sense: there are no fasta files to index! $\endgroup$