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Seurat is a package for analyzing single cell rna seq data.

2 votes

Help with setting DimPlot UMAP output into a 2x3 grid in Seurat

how to get this to arrange the UMAP plots into a 2x3 grid You can use the ncol parameter, which will set the number of columns in the "combined plot". And for future reference, if you get the help p …
haci's user avatar
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1 vote

How to create Seurat object while RNA expression and ADT combined into one matrix

Normally duplicated colnames are tolerated with matrices and sparse matrices, however, Seurat apparently does not do so, below is from the ? … ) For efficiency, Seurat uses sparse matrices so don't forget to convert your data matrices to sparse. …
haci's user avatar
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1 vote

Seurat clusters

You can use the argument of the DimPlot() function. accepts column names present in the column of the Seurat objects. …
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1 vote

Seurat Violin Plot: Why do dots align in one row?

That is because SCTransform (mostly) outputs discrete values, you can check the @slot of your Seurat object. …
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2 votes

Find selective markers for one cluster automatically

Directly copy-pasting from one of the Seurat vignettes: # find markers for every cluster compared to all remaining cells, report only the positive ones pbmc.markers <- FindAllMarkers(pbmc, only.pos = TRUE …
haci's user avatar
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2 votes

Single cell RNAseq cell cluster (true cluster or sub cluster)

marker would not mean much in terms of scRNA-seq, it might very well not be detected simply due to sensitivity ii) Use clustree do select the most plausible number of clusters (resolution parameter in Seurat … The package is compatible with Seurat and some other scRNA-seq packages. iii) Use silhouette width as a metric for clustering. …
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1 vote

Seurat - subsetting by genes expressed

With a little bit of workaround: i) Add a new column to the data slot (only because your original subset() call does so but it can be raw counts or any other data matrix in your Seurat object). rowSums …
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4 votes

Is it important to filter out poor quality cells before performing an integration analysis o...

It is absolutely necessary to remove low quality cells: In the case of CCA (and this applies to other "integration" or "data alignment" methods as well), one would need to use "anchors", basically sam …
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1 vote

Integrating scRNA-seq data using raw data

Seurat has a nice CCA tutorial, you would not need the raw data, count data would be fine but you will need to be able to specify what data are coming from what source, the authors must have provided this …
haci's user avatar
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1 vote

Finding differentially expressed genes between two samples

If I understand your question correctly, you can simply use SetIdent() to change the "default identity" to your samples and then use FindMarker() with the ident.1 = "Double-KO" and ident.2 = "Shox2-KO …
haci's user avatar
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1 vote

"variable.features.n" in SCTransform

variable.features.n sets the number of features (you can think of genes in the case of scRNA-seq) you would like to use for the downstream steps such as clustering. Basically, using a gene that is exp …
haci's user avatar
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3 votes

Violin plots appear as vertical lines

I believe the reason is simply LTA and LTB not being expressed (or their expression not being detected due to technical limitations). If you would set the pt.size argument to something else than 0, yo …
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1 vote

Visualizing FindMarkers result in Seurat using Heatmap

In your DoHeatmap() call, you do not provide features so the function does not know which genes/features to use for the heatmap. In your last function call, you are trying to group based on a continuo …
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0 votes

Adding treatment groups via metadata to Seurat object?

You should have fed "1h" to your function call but you fed 1h instead. The latter is looking for an object with that name and as the error shows, there is no such object.
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1 vote

Understanding Single Cell RNAseq Plots

In Seurat v3, there is a wide selection of different clustering algorithms but recommending one over the other would be beyond my expertise. … An alternative non-Seurat approach that aims to do the same is MNNCorrect from the scran package. …
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