I have installed some ucsc tools on my Mac computer and it worked fine:
conda create --name ucsc-netchainsubset377 --channel bioconda --yes ucsc-netchainsubset=377
Conda environment activation
source activate ucsc-netchainsubset377
Checking the tool's help
netChainSubset - Create chain file with subset of chains that appear in the net
netChainSubset in.net in.chain out.chain
-gapOut=gap.tab - Output gap sizes to file
-type=XXX - Restrict output to particular type in net file
-splitOnInsert - Split chain when get an insertion of another chain
-wholeChains - Write entire chain references by net, don't split
when a high-level net is encoundered. This is useful when nets
have been filtered.
-skipMissing - skip chains that are not found instead of generating
an error. Useful if chains have been filtered.
The same commands on GNU/Linux produced the following error:
netchainsubset: command not found
even though the tool seems to be installed successfully:
Downloading and Extracting Packages
ucsc-netchainsubset- | 310 KB | ############################################################################ | 100%
mysql-connector-c-6. | 4.4 MB | ############################################################################ | 100%
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
The same happened with ucsc-fatotwobit
and ucsc-liftup
and I would not be surprised if this behaviour affected the whole suite of ucsc programmes installed through conda.
Anyone can suggest a solution?
Update 5 minutes after posting
Thanks to terdon, I printed the PATH when the conda environment was active and listed what was in the folder where conda installed the UCSC tool.
ls /mnt/home2/miska/cr517/anaconda3/envs/ucsc-netchainsubset377/bin
c_rehash libpng-config mysql_config openssl pngfix
libpng16-config my_print_defaults netChainSubset perror png-fix-itxt
Then I typed netChainSubset
and got the help page, suggesting the tool is installed and working. Interestingly, on Mac, the tool is also called netChainSubset
but it seems it can be called with netchainsubset
for that matter. The case doesn't seem to matter on mac. To make my code more portable, I am going to follow the case in the bin
of where the tool is installed.
Cheers terdon.