Given two separate wdl arrays, my command section will do some modifications to each array and place the output into two separate bash arrays. Finally, I want to output the two separate bash arrays in the output section of the wdl task to be used in other tasks within the workflow. The below code is an example of what I would like to do:
task AddA {
input {
Array[String] wdllistX = [ "True", "False"]
Array[String] wdllistY = [ "Good", "Food"]
command <<<
###We add the letter 'a' at the end of each string in each wdl list and finally get the
bash arrays:
bashX = ("Truea" Falsea")
bashY = ("Gooda" "Fooda")
output {
Array[String] finX = bashX
Array[String] finY = bashY
The above example produces an error. It seems that I might have to convert the bash arrays back into wdl arrays in order to declare them as outputs in the output section, however, I am not sure how to do this. May someone help me with this? Moreover, a general explanation of how you can capture the output of specific things from the command section into the output section would be helpful aswell.