
I am developing a gatk pipeline for variant calling and want to include trimmomatic as a preprocessing step. I would like the user to specify a program file of parameters to feed into trimmomatic, and a file of adapter sequences to provide to the ILLUMINACLIP parameter. My goal is to include a variable (“~{adapter_file}” below) in the program file that will expand to include the adapter filename, like so:

Adapter file:


Program file:


In this way, the user can change the adaptor file without having to alter the program file each time. However, I can’t seem to get the ~{adapter_file} variable to expand inside the ~{trim_program_array} variable. Here’s a simplified version of my trimmomatic WDL file:

Sample workflow:

version 1.0
Workflow trim {
    input {
        File fastq1 = “R1.fastq.gz”
        File fastq2 = “R2.fastq.gz”
        File program_file = “trim_program.txt”
        File adapter_file = “adapters.fa”
    Array[String] trim_program_array = read_lines(program_file)
    call trimmomatic {
            fastq1 = fastq1,
            fastq2 = fastq2,
            trim_program_array = trim_program_array,
            adapter_file = adaptor_file
Task trimmomatic {
    input {
        File fastq1
        File fastq2
        File outfile1 = “trimmed_R1.fastq.gz”
        File outfile2 = “trimmed_R2.fastq.gz”
        Array[String] trim_program_array
        File adapter_file
     command {
        TrimmomaticPE \
        ~{fastq1} ~{fastq2} \
        ~{outfile1} ~{outfile2} \
        ~{sep = “ “ trim_program_array}
     output {
        File out1 = outfile1
        File out2 = outfile2

My goal is for the first element of ~{sep = " " trim_program_array} (aka the first line of trim_program.txt) to evaluate to “ILLUMINACLIP:adapters.fa:2:30:10:7:keepBothReads” rather than “ILLUMINACLIP:~{adapter_file}:2:30:10:7:keepBothReads”. I know this is because ~{adapter_file} is nested inside trim_program_array[0], so it’s only expanding the “outer” variable. How can I convince WDL to expand the variable nested inside the first element of that array before executing the bash command?

  • $\begingroup$ Hi, I've corrected your question to make the spelling of the word 'adapter' consistent, but noticed that some of those changes were in the configuration file. Can you please re-check to make sure this spelling inconsistency is not causing your problems? $\endgroup$
    – gringer
    Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 7:48
  • $\begingroup$ The ~{} syntax only works within the wdl command section or wdl string literals. Since the string is getting read from a file in this case, it is probably getting escaped. It looks like this file is just getting used to provide arguments in the command. Can't you just include the contents of the program file in the command section directly? $\endgroup$
    – DavyCats
    Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 7:59
  • $\begingroup$ @DavyCats Yes, that's what I eventually figured out, but it would be nice to have it in the program file so that users of the pipeline aren't left wondering what ":2:30:10:7:keepBothReads" in the first line of the program file refers to, since 'ILLUMINACLIP:~{adaptor_file}' is missing. There are worse problems to have though, so I'm fine with that work-around. Thanks for the suggestion. $\endgroup$
    – user16196
    Commented Sep 29, 2022 at 2:11
  • $\begingroup$ @DavyCats Upon thinking about this further, I realized that one advantage to supplying a program file to Trimmomatic is that the user gets to determine which parameters to trim by, rather than just choosing the value for each predetermined parameter. By encoding "ILLUMINACLIP:~{adaptor_file}" into the code block, I'm in effect making that a required parameter. I've seen many cases where a user wouldn't want to supply that parameter to Trimmomatic at all. I'm hoping that someone will come along and help me with a better solution to this problem so that I don't have to hard code any parameters. $\endgroup$
    – user16196
    Commented Sep 30, 2022 at 20:43

1 Answer 1


Putting the placeholder inside of an input file won't work, since the contents will just be turned into a string when read with read_lines and won't get treated like WDL code. Since the lines from the program_file are simply getting pasted into the command, you can move the contents into the command section. In a placeholder (~{}), adding a string to an optional value will result in an empty string if that optional value is not supplied (see the spec here). So you can use optional inputs to make the different lines non-mandatory:

task trimmomatic {
    input {
        File fastq1
        File fastq2
        String outfile1 = “trimmed_R1.fastq.gz”
        String outfile2 = “trimmed_R2.fastq.gz”
        File? adapter_file
        Int? minlen
        String? slidingwindow
        Int? leading
        Int? trailing
     command {
        TrimmomaticPE \
        ~{fastq1} ~{fastq2} \
        ~{outfile1} ~{outfile2} \
        ~{"ILLUMINACLIP:" + adapter_file + ":2:30:10:7:keepBothReads"} \
        ~{"MINLEN:" + minlen} \
        ~{"SLIDINGWINDOW:" + slidingwindow} \
        ~{"LEADING:" + leading} \
        ~{"TRAILING:" + trailing}
     output {
        File out1 = outfile1
        File out2 = outfile2

If, say, adapter_file were to be omitted in the inputs, then the produced command should look something like this:

TrimmomaticPE \
R1.fq R2.fq \
trimmed_R1.fastq.gz trimmed_R2.fastq.gz \

Also note that the output file paths in the input section should be Strings. Since they don't exist yet, the execution engine will complain that it can't find them if they are Files

Ps. I'm not familiar with the actual trimmomatic command options, so please do check that this produces the desired command. I suspect that the :2:30:10:7:keepBothReads bit could be split up into additional inputs as well.


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