I am developing a gatk pipeline for variant calling and want to include trimmomatic as a preprocessing step. I would like the user to specify a program file of parameters to feed into trimmomatic, and a file of adapter sequences to provide to the ILLUMINACLIP parameter. My goal is to include a variable (“~{adapter_file}” below) in the program file that will expand to include the adapter filename, like so:
Adapter file:
Program file:
In this way, the user can change the adaptor file without having to alter the program file each time. However, I can’t seem to get the ~{adapter_file} variable to expand inside the ~{trim_program_array} variable. Here’s a simplified version of my trimmomatic WDL file:
Sample workflow:
version 1.0
Workflow trim {
input {
File fastq1 = “R1.fastq.gz”
File fastq2 = “R2.fastq.gz”
File program_file = “trim_program.txt”
File adapter_file = “adapters.fa”
Array[String] trim_program_array = read_lines(program_file)
call trimmomatic {
fastq1 = fastq1,
fastq2 = fastq2,
trim_program_array = trim_program_array,
adapter_file = adaptor_file
Task trimmomatic {
input {
File fastq1
File fastq2
File outfile1 = “trimmed_R1.fastq.gz”
File outfile2 = “trimmed_R2.fastq.gz”
Array[String] trim_program_array
File adapter_file
command {
TrimmomaticPE \
~{fastq1} ~{fastq2} \
~{outfile1} ~{outfile2} \
~{sep = “ “ trim_program_array}
output {
File out1 = outfile1
File out2 = outfile2
My goal is for the first element of ~{sep = " " trim_program_array} (aka the first line of trim_program.txt) to evaluate to “ILLUMINACLIP:adapters.fa:2:30:10:7:keepBothReads” rather than “ILLUMINACLIP:~{adapter_file}:2:30:10:7:keepBothReads”. I know this is because ~{adapter_file} is nested inside trim_program_array[0], so it’s only expanding the “outer” variable. How can I convince WDL to expand the variable nested inside the first element of that array before executing the bash command?