For metadata, I would use a SQL schema something like the following:
ac TEXT, -- project/Study accession
CREATE TABLE Sample ( -- biological sample/biopsy
ac TEXT,
CREATE TABLE AnalysisSample (
prj_ac TEXT, -- project acccession (
symbol TEXT, -- a short name unique in the project
sample_ac TEXT, -- sample accession (
PRIMARY KEY (prj_ac, symbol)
CREATE TABLE Collection ( -- a BAM file
ac TEXT, -- collection/alignment file accession
prj_ac TEXT, -- project accession (
cl_ac TEXT, -- collection accession (
rg_id TEXT, -- @RG-ID
sample_sym TEXT, -- @RG-SM; matching AnalysisSample.symbol
PRIMARY KEY (cl_ac, rg_id)
CREATE TABLE VariantSet ( -- a VCF file
ac TEXT, -- VCF file accession
prj_ac TEXT, -- project accession (
CREATE TABLE VariantSample (
vs_ac TEXT, -- VCF file accession (
sample_sym TEXT, -- sample symbol in the VCF file; matching AnalysisSample.symbol
PRIMARY KEY (vs_ac, sample_sym)
In the schema, you have Project
and biological Sample
tables, which are independent of each other at the high level. An AnalysisSample
describes a sample used in BAM or VCF and connects Project
and biological Sample
. Importantly, each AnalysisSample
has a symbol unique in a project (see the primary index). This is the symbol on a BAM read group line or on a VCF sample line. A Collection
is in effect a BAM/CRAM file. In theory, a BAM file may contain more than one samples (though rare in practice), which is addressed by a separate ReadGroup
table. Finally, a VariantSet
is a VCF file. VariantSample
tells you which samples are included in each VCF file.
This is the skeleton of a full schema. You can add extra fields to appropriate tables (e.g. file path and hg19/hg38/etc to Collection
, read length to ReadGroup
and family ID to Sample
). You also need indices for efficient table joining and perhaps more tables for complex structures (e.g. pedigree).
For the projects I have participated, this schema should work most of time. It is inspired by GA4GH's JSON schema, but my version is in SQL, is simpler and also has a slightly different structure which I think is better.