I am running a Snakemake (V7.14.0) pipeline on the cluster and provided resources in a resource config file like:
tool1: 4
tool1: 12
Point to it in my rules like:
And the snakemake cluster command like:
snakemake --configfiles \
config/config_resources.yml \
config/config_parameters.yml \
--latency-wait 60 \
--use-conda \
--use-singularity \
--printshellcmds \
--jobname MyPipe{name}_{jobid} \
--jobs 300 \
--cluster \
"bsub -W 200 -n {threads} -M {resources.mem_gb}G \
-R 'rusage[mem={resources.mem_gb}G]' \
-o run_logs/{name}_%J.out \
-e run_logs/{name}_%J.err"
What I do not understand when I run the pipeline is that it shows this in the terminal:
threads: 4
resources: mem_mb=19442, disk_mb=19442, tmpdir=/tmp, mem_gb=12
So next to the one I provided (mem_gb), there are: mem_mb, and disk_mb. They are clearly not the same value. In the cluster job it looks as though the MEMLIMIT is indeed the one I give, but the MEM usage is different (higher). Is it because Snakemake does not understand the mem_gb and I specifically need to use that word?
Thanks in advance