I'm trying to work out is how reliable/accurate my eggNOG metagenomic outputs are. Critical for this is how its identifying orthologues.
Background eggNOG
is commonly used in metagenomics gene identification. Take a sample, randomly sequence all the DNA therein, then "annotate" via eggNOG. It identifies the putative gene function against lots of databases e.g. NCBI, KEGG, Brite, Go ...
eggNOG uses is own database for gene identification via 'seed orthology' each seed has its own KEGG ID.
Question Does the comparison between the query (metagenomics data) and the seeds take place using DNA-DNA comparisons? Alternatively, is it performing protein-protein comparisons? Algorithmically, by the easiest is DNA-DNA, however DNA-DNA would result in limitations of interpretation ('cause of complex evolutionary stuff). It could be using an optimised a protein database instead and returning the output as DNA.