I have a .vcf file
with this header
##startTime=Fri Mar 29 16:46:32 2019
1 54586 . T C . PASS DP=39;MQ=50.55;MQ0=0;NT=ref;QSS=48;QSS_NT=48;ReadPosRankSum=1.92;SGT=TT->CT;SNVSB=0.00;SOMATIC;SomaticEVS=10.83;TQSS=1;TQSS_NT=1 AU:CU:DP:FDP:GU:SDP:SUBDP:TU 0,0:0,0:20:0:0,0:0:0:20,20 0,0:6,6:18:0:0,0:0:0:12,13
1 103241 . C T . PASS DP=120;MQ=24.94;MQ0=35;NT=ref;QSS=47;QSS_NT=47;ReadPosRankSum=2.09;SGT=CC->CT;SNVSB=0.00;SOMATIC;SomaticEVS=9.44;TQSS=2;TQSS_NT=2 AU:CU:DP:FDP:GU:SDP:SUBDP:TU 0,1:32,47:33:1:0,0:0:0:0,5 0,
The "DP" field in the vcf shows the depth of the individual samples; So in this file, the first locus has the following format fields:
AU:CU:DP:FDP:GU:SDP:SUBDP:TU 0,0:0,0:20:0:0,0:0:0:20,20 0,0:6,6:18:0:0,0:0:0:12,13
So according to this (DP field of normal and tumor samples), normal sample has a depth of 20 and tumor sample has a depth of 18.
So how I could extract the read depth for all loci as described for the first position? The desired output would be like this [note that the VCF is taken from my own data but the table is my desired format that I don't know how to get that from my own data. chr have been added manually because my reference genome is hg19]:
Sample Type CHROM POS REF ALT Tumor_Depth Normal_Depth
CHC2432T SNV chr1 102961055 G A 64 62
CHC2432T SNV chr1 105492588 A T 66 73
CHC2432T SNV chr1 108628724 C T 45 54
CHC2432T SNV chr1 109692113 G T 53 29
CHC2432T SNV chr1 109692114 G T 53 31
CHC2432T SNV chr1 120676701 T C 48 87
tail -n1 _double_filtered_013_pre_indels.vcf
). I assume that's just the copy you uploaded to dropbox, but check your actual file to be sure. $\endgroup$