
I am trying to query metadata from the Genomic Data Commons (GDC) Data Portal and used the sample code from its website:

import requests
import json

cases_endpt = 'https://api.gdc.cancer.gov/cases'

# The 'fields' parameter is passed as a comma-separated string of single names.
fields = ["submitter_id",

fields = ','.join(fields)

params = {"fields": fields,
          "format": "TSV",
          "size": "100"

response = requests.get(cases_endpt, params = params)


However, I am not getting a tsv file in return. I am ultimately getting an FPKM instead. Any help is appreciated!


1 Answer 1


You can use str() to convert bytes to strings and print() with the proper separator.

import requests
from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd

cases_endpt = 'https://api.gdc.cancer.gov/cases'

fields = ["submitter_id",

fields = ','.join(fields)

params = {"fields": fields,
          "format": "TSV",
          "size": "100"

response = requests.get(cases_endpt, params=params)

content = str(response.content, 'utf-8')

print(content, sep='\t', end='\r')

If you want to convert to a data frame you can use StringIO() to load a data frame from an input string directly to a pandas data frame.

data = StringIO(content)
df = pd.read_csv(data, sep='\t')

The output:

case_id disease_type id primary_site submitter_id
0 375436b3-66ac-4d5e-b495-18a96d812a69 Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas 375436b3-66ac-4d5e-b495-18a96d812a69 Rectum TCGA-F5-6810
1 38f93ca8-4971-4932-b592-0a17eaece2ad Ductal and Lobular Neoplasms 38f93ca8-4971-4932-b592-0a17eaece2ad Pancreas C3L-02115
2 5ea1361a-050d-4fa0-be59-b530c456b6e3 Ductal and Lobular Neoplasms 5ea1361a-050d-4fa0-be59-b530c456b6e3 Pancreas C3L-00928
3 690378f3-e38a-4b25-8489-05a3b4bd40b6 Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas 690378f3-e38a-4b25-8489-05a3b4bd40b6 Kidney C3N-01175
4 6b4f086e-4ef9-4f30-874e-8a155b2e3bab Squamous Cell Neoplasms 6b4f086e-4ef9-4f30-874e-8a155b2e3bab Other and ill-defined sites C3N-04276

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