From the FASTA header I get the following information:
gi|1543850138|ref|NC_040192.1| Desmodium mottle virus isolate UG5 segment DNA-B, complete sequence
['gi', '1543850138', 'ref', 'NC_040192.1', ' Desmodium mottle virus isolate UG5 segment DNA-B, complete sequence']
Is there a better way to create a dictonary as I did with the below script?
from Bio import SeqIO
organismInfo = {}
for seq_record in SeqIO.parse("data/landplantsviruses.fasta","fasta"):
temp = seq_record.description.split('|')
organismID = temp[3]
organismName = temp[4].lstrip()
print(organismID, organismName)
organismInfo[organismID] = organismName