I asked this question in biology.stack exchange and was referred to this community. I am going to request migration for this question. https://biology.stackexchange.com/q/105024/67415
I want a PDB file of DNA sequence I am interested in (10 base pairs) for docking. I will appreciate if any of you can please clarify some of my doubts.
Do you think, I can generate PDB file by using this link http://www.scfbio-iitd.res.in/software/drugdesign/bdna.jsp
How can I get the pdb file of the DNA sequence I want from protein data bank, I did search it but did not find the one I want. Is it a way to extract the PDB file?
What are other methods I can use to generate PDB file of B-DNA sequence?
Thank you for your time.
Please delete if it is against the group for posting again and redirect me to where I can request migration of this question.