I've been trying to run mmseqs2 on a few metagenomic assemblies and despite my best efforts in reading the wiki and playing with parameters, the process is taking over a day.
In their paper they claim to be 2 - 18x faster than CAT. I ran CAT on the same datasets and they took at most a few hours. So I can only assume that the long run time for mmseqs is down to user error (i.e. me).
I am currently running the commands (general format):
mmseqs createdb metagenome1_scaffolds.fasta metagenome1_query_DB
mmseqs taxonomy metagenome1_query_DB /home/mmseqs2/NR/NR metagenome1_mmseqs_taxonomy.txt metagenome1_temp --tax-lineage 1 --orf-filter 1 --threads 24
Could someone please let me know where I'm going wrong or what parameters I can tweak to get this running in the expected time frame?