I am currently in the process of comparing two distinct sets of genes that have been sequenced under two different conditions.
My objective is to ascertain whether the expression of specific genes in my samples has been altered as a result of the conditions applied.
For the alignment process, I am utilizing the the k-mer alignment (KMA) tool (https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-018-2336-6), which provides me with a results table for each condition.
I am seeking guidance on which columns should be primarily considered in my calculations. Should I focus predominantly on the 'Score' (it is so-called ConClave score (accumulated alignment score), from all reads that were accepted to match this template. ) and 'Depth' columns?
Or, should I instead concentrate on readCount: Number of reads mapped to the template?
Would Log2 normalization work here?