I know that I can use bcftools isec
to compare two VCF files containing single nucleotide variants (SNVs); it will generate four possible output files: one with all of the unique called SNVs in file 1, one with all of the unique called SNVs in file 2, one with all of the SNVs from file 1 that were also found in file 2, and finally one with all of the SNVs from file 2 that were also found in file 1.
Is there a similar type of tool that will allow one to compare structural variants (SVs) between two VCF files? I am about to tweak one of my Perl scripts (that currently uses the VCF.pm Perl module to parse VCF files) to perform this calculation (because thus far I have not found any tools designed for SVs) but I thought I would ask in this forum in case anyone else has already invented this wheel.