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How to convert amino acid sequence to SMILES format

I have an amino acids string "MKGK" and I would like to convert it into SMILES format. I tried two approaches. First with PepSMI which gives me: ...
littleworth's user avatar
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general cheminformatics references

Can anyone explain what is cheminformatics and how does it help in the future? I need to write an article that should be understandable for 14-20 yr age group. Please help with references, I don't ...
Harsha's user avatar
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Do you know any virtual screening libraries with small, soluble compounds?

I had a quick question on virtual libraries. I'm hoping to perform a virtual screen using a library that contains very small, soluble compounds - think glycerol and smaller (<100MW). As far as I ...
Sherbert184's user avatar
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Question about Using MDAPackmol (packmol in python)

I would like to use the python wrapper for packmol (MDAPackmol) for my research. In order to do so, I have tried to work with the example code and pdb files provided on GitHub so I can gain an ...
bioinf99's user avatar
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How do I convert an Excel file (.xlsx) to an .smi file format?

How do I convert an Excel file(.xlsx) to .smi file format? The original file I have is an excel file containing over 27,000 ligands. I am going to using the Padel Descriptor software to calculate the ...
Shahbaaz's user avatar