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FASTQ is a file format use to store short reads and their quality values

1 vote

How to measure the total size of a fastq file in base pairs?

Using Perl: Print the sequence lines (line number 2, 6, 10, etc). Remove the newlines with chomp. Count the bytes (here, bases) using wc -c: perl -ne 'if ( $. % 4 == 2 ) { chomp; print; }' | wc -c
Timur Shtatland's user avatar
5 votes

Telling grep to treat N as [ATCG]

If you want to stick to grep, use a scripting language such as Perl to generate the regex programmatically. For example: perl -le 'print join "", map "[${_}N]", split //, $ARGV[0];' ATCGCTATCG Print …
Timur Shtatland's user avatar
3 votes

Error with BWA Mem input having multiple fastq files using cat and process substitution

"<(cat A.read2.fq B.read2.fq ...)" 1 Oddly enough, process substitution inside double quotes works at least in the case I tested before posting: bwa mem -M test1.fa "<(cat test_assembler_tiny_1.1.fastq … )" "<(cat test_assembler_tiny_1.2.fastq)" This contradicts the answer here: . …
Timur Shtatland's user avatar