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How to change Please help me with my command to give total count?!

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How to change command to give total count?

I am looking for a command to count the total number of unique proteins in a file. For instance I wrote a command to BLAST XYZ proteins as query against the DLY proteins as a database to determine the number of genes or proteins that are shared between XYZ and DLY:

blastp -query ~/user/XYZ.faa -db DLY -evalue 1e-10 -outfmt '6 qseqid' | sort | uniq | wc -l

I used the -evalue option to provide me with alignments with an e-value that is 10^-10 or lower.

How can I represent my command so that that it can provide me with a proportion of the total proteins in each species (i.e. XYZ and DLY).

Thank you!