
What to do with the configuration test cell after configuring the MinION with it?

I received a MinION with a configuration test cell in it. After running a configuration in the MinKNOW software while the CTC was in the MinION, I wonder what to do with the CTC? Am I going to need it later or can I throw it away? If I should keep it, in what conditions should I keep it (temperature, light, etc.)?

Also, do you know why we need to do a configuration of the MinION the first time?

I posted this question on Biology Stackexchange as well but maybe the community here will be more receptive?


1 Answer 1


I would keep it, in case you need to do another configuration later on. I have used mine for that purpose.

I think storage doesn't really matter, I just put it in a drawer somewhere. Keep it away from liquids and extreme temperatures :)


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