Let's say I have a genbank file, e.g. the one downloaded from here, that contains entries as
gene 190..255
/gene_synonym="ECK0001; JW4367"
CDS 190..255
/gene_synonym="ECK0001; JW4367"
/function="leader; Amino acid biosynthesis: Threonine"
/GO_process="GO:0009088 - threonine biosynthetic process"
/product="thr operon leader peptide"
and I want to extract the potein fasta from it, how would I do this?
I found a code sample here. When I then run:
from Bio import SeqIO
gbk_filename = 'NC_000913.3.gb'
faa_filename = 'NC_000913.3_warwick.fasta'
input_handle = open(gbk_filename, "r")
output_handle = open(faa_filename, "w")
for seq_record in SeqIO.parse(input_handle, "genbank") :
print "Dealing with GenBank record %s" % seq_record.id
for seq_feature in seq_record.features :
if seq_feature.type=="CDS" :
assert len(seq_feature.qualifiers['translation'])==1
output_handle.write(">%s from %s\n%s\n" % (
it results in
31 for seq_feature in seq_record.features :
32 if seq_feature.type=="CDS" :
---> 33 assert len(seq_feature.qualifiers['translation'])==1
34 output_handle.write(">%s from %s\n%s\n" % (
35 seq_feature.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0],
KeyError: 'translation'
How could this be fixed?