I was working on certain program using python and I have been using a protein aligned sequence file in two formats, phylip (.phy) and clustal (.aln). Example clustal file:
CLUSTAL 2.1 multiple sequence alignment
Homo -------------------------------------------MEMQDLTSPHSRLSGSS
Macaca -------------------------------------------MEMQDLTSPHSRLSGSS
Mus -------------------------------------------MEMQDLTSPHSRLSGSS
Rattus -------------------------------------------MEMQDLTSPHSRLSGSS
Example phylip file:
3 120
Branchiost ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Nematostel ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
I want to navigate through the file in a way that ;
- If the columns of the file have same amino acid, it saves and prints the amino acid that exists in the column.
- I need to know how can I search the columns by using the amino acids, if particular group of amino acids exist in that column or not. For example, if 'STA'or 'HY' or 'FVLIM' or 'NDEQHK' (with no '-') exists in any of the columns, then put a '@' in the file at the end of that column. Following is the code I have been trying to manipulate the file with the following program:
Code below
alignment = open ("example.aln")
a = b = c = 0
for col in (alignment):
num = len(set(col))
if num == 1 and col[0] != '-':
print (num)
a += 1
elif num > 1 and '-' not in col:
print (num)
b += 1 elif '-' in col: # assumes 1 or more dashes
c += 1
print('Number of columns with the same amino acid: {}\n'
'Number of columns with at least 2 amino acids (no gaps): {}\n'
'Number of columns with one/more gaps: {}'
.format(a, b, c))
These variables return the occurrences of amino acids in the columns of the file but I don't understand how to search using the amino acids. What is the best way to iterate over the file and write into a new file with results using python? Should I use python switch statement?