
Using DSL2.

I have processes A, B, C which I want to run in sequence - B waits for A to finish, C waits for B to finish.

They are not communicating via channels so I can't do A.out.collect().

I have tried making dummy channels but this is problematic and a hack. The onComplete subscription doesn't seem to let me trigger another process.

What is the correct way to run a sequence of processes which are not communicating or triggered by channels?

P.S. I am aware that this is not really the intended use case of Nextflow (which is oriented around channel communication/triggers... but... I just need to get this done.)

  • $\begingroup$ Could you please elaborate on how you tried to do dummy channels? Maybe by giving an example. I would suggest to use watchPath but using this type wouldn't allow your pipeline to finish. $\endgroup$
    – user324810
    Commented Jan 26, 2022 at 17:06

1 Answer 1


I would guess it is not possible without channels unless you are using beforeScript and afterScript. I came up with this solution:

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow


workflow {
  // C(B(A("")))

  next = ""
  next = A(next)
  next = B(next)
  next = C(next)

process A{
  echo true
  input: val _
  output: val ""

  echo $task.process

process B{
  echo true
  input: val _
  output: val ""

  echo $task.process

process C{
  echo true
  input: val _
  output: val ""

  echo $task.process

By using workflows you can change the execution order. But it is still a hack and I would prefer something like a next: keyword to specify the next process.

And for those not interested in DSL2:

process A {
  echo true

  val "" into B

  echo "$task.process"

process B {
  echo true

  val _ from B

  val "" into C

  echo "$task.process"

process C {
  echo true

  val _ from C

  echo "$task.process"

Also, I am quite curious to see other solutions.


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