I have some highly contaminated ancient DNA sequences. I have adapter removed and collapsed these and run them through Kraken2. The Kraken reports show multiple levels of taxa with good numbers of reads in each.
However, when I run Bracken - I keep getting an error saying it can't find any reads.
Error: no reads found. Please check your Kraken report
I have tried adjusting the taxonomic level (all the way up to Phylum) and get the same result. I have tried using different databases to run the Kraken analysis through and updating both packages.
Any ideas what could be going wrong?
Here's the head of one of the report files:
I am also using the latest version of Bracken downloaded via Bioconda. My command to run Bracken is via a bash script:
#SBATCH --partition=day
#SBATCH --output=slurm_bracken_job%J.out
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=10G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32
# we load kraken2 and bracken into our environment:
ml kraken2
ml bracken
srun bracken -d /workspaces/groups/database/nt-taxonomy-2021-02-04_braken/ -i ${NAME}.kreport -o ${NAME}.bracken -r 75 -l S
This is then run using:
for i in $(ls -1 ./*.report | sed 's/.report//'); do sbatch Test_Kraken.sh "$i"; done
bracken -d /workspaces/groups/database/nt-taxonomy-2021-02-04_braken/ -i Sample_1.collapsed.report -o Sample_!.report.bracken -r 75 -l S
and still the same error $\endgroup$