I am analyzing bulk RNA-seq data for Paired-End. I have separate scripts for fastqc, STAR & qualimap but want to run them in a single script which looks like this
USAGE: sh rna-qc.sh <path/to/sample_file/sample_R1.fastq>
The script takes as input the R1 fastq file ONLY
# initialize a variable to store the name of the input fastq file for Read1
# grab the path information to use for loading the Read2 fastq file
path=`temp=$( realpath "$fq1" ) && dirname "$temp"`
# get base of filename
samplename=`basename $fq _1.fastq.gz`
echo "Starting analysis of sample $samplename"
# create a variable to store the read 2 file
# directory with the genome index files + name of the gene annotation file
# create the whole path
mkdir -p results/fastqc/
mkdir -p results/STAR/
mkdir -p results/qualimap/
# set up output filenames and locations
echo "Processing file $fq"
echo "Starting QC for $samplename"
# Run FastQC
fastqc -t 8 -o $fastqc_out $fq1 $fq2
# Run STAR
STAR --runThreadN 8 --genomeDir $genome --readFilesIn $fq1 $fq2 --outFileNamePrefix $align_out --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --outSAMunmapped Within --outSAMattributes Standard
# Run Qualimap
../qualimap_v2.3/qualimap rnaseq \
-outdir $qualimap_out \
-a proportional \
-bam $align_out_bam \
-gtf $gtf \
This script named rna-qc.sh
is then run using following loop
for fq in ~/rna_seq/raw_data/*_1.fastq.gz
rna-qc.sh $fq
then following is shown:
Starting analysis of sample _1.fastq.gz
Processing file
Starting QC for _1.fastq.gz
Skipping '/home/saad/rna_seq/raw_data/_1.fastq.gz_2.fastq.gz' which didn't exist, or couldn't be read
Started analysis of ERR4231010_1.fastq.gz
Approx 5% complete for ERR4231010_1.fastq.gz
so on and only fastQC analysis completes on files. Please guide where could be issue in naming?
Also I want to know what argument should be used for qualimap of PE samples? Thanks!
rna-qc.sh $fq 2>$fq.rna-qc.err
$\endgroup$fq1="$1" path=$(dirname "$fq1") # get base of filename samplename=$(basename "$fq1" _1.fastq.gz) # create a variable to store the read 2 file fq2="${path}/${samplename}_2.fastq.gz"