I generate bigWig files using bamCoverage
from deeptools, in part for my colleagues to visualize their mapped libraries in the IGV viewer.
A problem is that the displayed track name is apparently the file name, which is not convenient because some files for different libraries have the same name. The reason is that the files are organized with one directory per library. I would prefer to avoid changing the way I name and organize the files.
Is there a way to edit my bigWig files in order to have control of the track name independently from the file name?
As far as I understand, bigWig format derives from wiggle format, which have a track definition line that can contain a name
and a definition
attribute: https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/help/customTrack.html#TRACK.
Maybe there is a way to convert a bigWig file back to wiggle, edit the track definition, and then rebuild an updated bigWig file.