I generate bigwig files using a shell script based on bedtools genomecov
(to generate a bedgraph from a bam file) bedmap
(to compute means across 10 bp bins) and bedGraphToBigWig
to convert the binned bedgraph into bigwig.
Sometimes, the bam file has no data on some chromosomes, this results in a bedgraph file with no entries for the empty chromosomes.
I would like to add the missing entries. How could I do this?
I tried to see what I could do with pyBigWig, opening the bedgraph file in "a" mode, but don't really know how to proceed:
# I have the chromosome sizes for my genome of interest already in a list:
#[('I', 15072434),
# ('II', 15279421),
# ('III', 13783801),
# ('IV', 17493829),
# ('MtDNA', 13794),
# ('V', 20924180),
# ('X', 17718942)]
bw_test = pyBigWig.open("path/to/bigwig", "a")
# {'IV': 17493829, 'V': 20924180, 'X': 17718942}
# RuntimeError: Received an error in bwCreateHdr