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Questions tagged [distance-matrix]

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5 votes
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How can I compute distance matrices from a PDB file?

I want to compute the distance matrix from PDB files. So, I wrote the following Python code using BioPython. ...
user366312's user avatar
3 votes
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Process gets killed before completing

I have a large tsv file (~15 GB) that is a kmer count matrix and I am trying to calculate jaccard distance of the counts but every time I try to run the following code the process ends before it's ...
rimo's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Convert Symmetrix Matrix into Lower Triangular Matrix

I'm using Scipy's pdist function to calculate a distance matrix which is working great but it gives me a symmetric matrix and I want to convert it into a lower-left triangular matrix. This is what it ...
rimo's user avatar
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MegaX Pairwise Matrix Error

I have a pairwise matrix that I've manually formatted into a ".mega" file following the guide in the MegaX documentation but when I go to import it into the application it gives this error: <...
rimo's user avatar
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