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Questions tagged [pairwise]

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retrieving divergent regions of a pairwise alignment

I am relatively new here. I am looking for a tool that can retrieve all divergent regions between two strains of E.coli into a different file. I also wanted to be sure that using global alignment ...
Oxygen_08's user avatar
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How can I specify pairwise comparisons of interest rather than computing all possible comparisons with something like Tukey?

Here is a subset of my df. How can I run pairwise comparisons of median expression between disease status for each clus_ft and use Bonferroni correction? For example, from this df subset, I would want ...
Kelly's user avatar
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MegaX Pairwise Matrix Error

I have a pairwise matrix that I've manually formatted into a ".mega" file following the guide in the MegaX documentation but when I go to import it into the application it gives this error: <...
rimo's user avatar
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