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3 votes

GWAS, MWAS, EWAS: what are the (in)dependent variables?

To answer the first part of your question, the dependent and independent variable of X-WAS is kind of arbitrary and dependent on the question you asked. But it gradually becomes a convention in the ...
Phoenix Mu's user avatar
2 votes

What is the pvalue from anova(glm1, glm2, test = “Chisq”) telling me in R when the glms have a negative binomial distribution?

When you fit a model, you need to check whether it's overly determined, meaning some terms cannot be determined. We can look at one of your samples, for example only for RB5 and ...
StupidWolf's user avatar
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1 vote

Any existing workflow on Terra that can run multinomial logistic regression?

What I think is occurring is Terra is the Broad Institute's cloud service. Within that there is a Jupiter notebook and you then just use scikit-learn's (Python) LogisticRegression() using multinomial ...
M__'s user avatar
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Regression plot of a continuous trait - is there a binary equivalent?

I have not really seen this type of plot used when a binary outcome is being analyzed. I think in part this is due to the fact that the plot will be rather boring and difficult to interpret as there ...
Tomas Bencomo's user avatar
1 vote

Comparing AUCs: Discrimination of same Control from different Test Group - paired or unpaired? miRNA

Generally its paired. The bootstrapping personally I find concerning. I presume you are using it to augment your data set. Bootstrapping at best tends to be a controversial statistical operation and ...
M__'s user avatar
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