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4 votes

Inflated p-values in quantitative trait analysis

Permutation as suggested by @StupidWolf's comment is essential to understand what's going on. If permutation makes this pattern go away, then you have a problem with your model specification, there's ...
Maximilian Press's user avatar
3 votes

GWAS, MWAS, EWAS: what are the (in)dependent variables?

To answer the first part of your question, the dependent and independent variable of X-WAS is kind of arbitrary and dependent on the question you asked. But it gradually becomes a convention in the ...
Phoenix Mu's user avatar
3 votes

Scaling by linear regression against the number of reads

I don't know if this question has been solved already, but what they try to do is equalize the depth of sequencing for each cell. Therefore, they scale for the total number of reads. If you regress ...
DCZ's user avatar
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Doing plot with this data

In general, survival analysis can be said to be composed of two steps; Cox regression, with which you calculate the "hazard ratio" based on your variables, and a "Kaplan-Meier (KM) estimate", which is ...
haci's user avatar
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2 votes

Regressing out unwanted sources of variation in single cell RNA-seq data

Seurat has as part of its protocol a step where you filter based on UMI counts and percent mitochondrial
swbarnes2's user avatar
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Regressing out unwanted sources of variation in single cell RNA-seq data

Cleaning data before doing analysis can be more important than the method of data analysis. For UMIs, there's an obvious cleaning step that can be done: it would be better to filter out duplicates (...
gringer's user avatar
  • 15.1k
2 votes

Can I use a regular liner regression model when I'm working with DNA methylation data?

You can use either, but lmFit has the benefit of returning an object that can be used with eBayes() so you can pool information ...
Devon Ryan's user avatar
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1 vote

Statistical approach to link DNA methylation with toxic element exposure and health outcome

Having given some thought to this, I'd still use machine learning. I would attempt to augment the negative controls however. Is there a suitable published data set? R program is caret but it high ...
M__'s user avatar
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How to get coefficient tables from multiple regression model result!

Well, I found a solution, ...
Deb's user avatar
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How to get coefficient tables from multiple regression model result!

To get the coefficients alone lm_model$coefficients glm_model$coefficients Everything including coefficients its, ...
M__'s user avatar
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Advise on building an effect ML model for predicting important proteins for drug response

The missing values might be an issue indeed. You might want to use imputation methods, e.g. ...
rkellerm's user avatar
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Determining significance of a variable in a glm model

Second viewing of the question from what I can see -0.22 as a coefficient of origin is a strong negative association, so yeah it has a major impact. Its not how I would have done it, but that looks to ...
M__'s user avatar
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What is the difference between fixed effects and random effects in the context of Linear-mixed models?

I do not know much about statistics but I will try my best to explain. First, random effects are defined as the factors (categories) in the population that we are not aware of (not observed), so we ...
Phoenix Mu's user avatar
1 vote

How do I Investigate and test the hypothesis on the effect of street-light regime on insects?

The hypothesis can be examined by t-test. You can group the data (number of catches) into dimmed light, and fully lit street lights and proceed with t-test to assess whether dimmed light results in ...
Subhash C. Davar's user avatar
1 vote

How are residuals used as new phenotype?

The residual is the level of error in a regression model, the lower the residual the better the model. Residuals cannot equate to a phenotype, it is actually the opposite if your regression model is ...
M__'s user avatar
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